Monday, August 30, 2010

Free September Fashion Wallpaper

as your screensaver or to print a copy)
Each month, when I sit down to create the calendar, I surprise myself with the final results. Even though I start with a planned thought and direction, regardless the wallpaper takes on a life of its own, developing and evolving as I sketch, until I am content that I have sincerely expressed the mood that I feel about fashion and style - at that moment.
This month I knew I wanted to include a project from my book, since the special sale - of $10.00 (click here! for info) is continuing and so sketching the little Russian caplet project from the book was a natural.

With it's faux-fur collar, and rugged frayed edges it captures a way to re-cycle your old jeans to fend off that first gust of fall with carefree style.

From there it went to pony tails like on MADMEN, and then elegantly manicured finger nails, which were sketched with Serge Luten’s “Sang-Bleu” nail polish –

-- interesting and unique colors on finger nails are turning quickly into the key accessory this fall.  All of that is wrapped with thoughts about searching as an artist surrounded with the backdrop of André Masson’s “Leonardo da Vince et Isabella D’Este.” This woman may be in New York, Berlin or London, in the countryside, just somewhere where there is a stimulating mood to search, ponder and try to make sense of life, politics, art, the future and our roots.
Wishing one and all and yours a wonderful September!


  1. Love your styles. I still plan on getting your book too.

  2. ohh, thanks for for the kind words and dropping by!
    Best wishes, Nancy

  3. That september screensavers really corresponds to me right now.It is just perfect. And really good... all of your calendar are great.

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wishing you a wonderful, artistic beginning to the new fall season!
    Best wishes,

  5. With my many thanks to NT for alerting me to the typo in the dates! The corrected version is now available. Best wishes to all, Nancy

  6. I loveee your sketches =) They're just getting better and better!!! xx

  7. Debbie - you've challenged me to stretch to even "better!" I adore online synegy - thank you!


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